I wrote all this stuff a while back. I take back every time I used the phrase “trans community”. Please substitute Sex-mimicry Cult in its place.

WDI USA is delighted to announce that the Women’s Bill of Rights was introduced in both houses of Congress today. Kara Dansky describes it in this short video. The bill is consistent with the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights, and defines such terms as sex, woman, and mother in a manner consistent with the Declaration.

Below is a response (left on google reviews, lol) to an angry customer who overheard me speaking about the Trans Charade in my shop. This post is what has started the smear campaign against me and boycott of my shop. Incredible how intensely people hate women who speak out about what I consider to be a ‘no duh’ situation here. Men cannot become women no matter how many secondary sex characteristics they change. Period.

Dear Anna,

Happy Mother’s Day.

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of responding to this.
I say privilege because I happen to have a circumstance of likely being able to make a living at something else if my business fails due to my need to challenge popular or dominant narratives regarding people forcing themselves into women’s spaces. I think many people who would like to speak out on this issue are silenced due to their position as being fired, publicly shamed or ‘cancelled’ can have devastating effects on individuals and families. Please know that the statements made here do not represent the views of my staff or family.

I know this might come as a shock but there are genres of pornography dedicated to men who dress up like women, or the societal preference of what a woman should look like, to then intrude on women’s private spaces to take pics or videos of their genitalia or masturbate in that space. This is an unfortunate reality but nonetheless one that poses a threat to the safety of women and girls. Whether or not these men are considered part of the trans community I don’t know. How are we to tell the difference between well-meaning and predatory men who adopt the mannerisms and dress of women?

Intrusion upon women has a long standing and widely accepted history in society. There is an expectation that women are to be welcoming and accepting despite feeling bullied, unsafe or having their privacy violated. Women who protest to these intrusions risk retribution in various forms including pointed anger, harassment, menacing, stalking, bullying and vitriolic gossip. These retributive acts are not only perpetrated by the men who’ve been rejected, but the women who adhere to dominant narratives as a means of survival…..witnessing what other women face for non-conformity has successfully coerced them into submission whether they are cognizant of it or not. Backing what seems to be the most powerful groups has its advantages as most don’t want to be the target of collective communal retribution. In other words, it’s easier and safer to go along with the crowd.

I in no way hate or want to hurt the trans community. Advocating for the preservation of women’s spaces is not synonymous with wanting trans people to suffer in any way. Often times intentions are not indicators of just and fair actions. I believe trans people are advocating for themselves with the best of intentions but putting blinders on to the bigger picture regarding women’s rights.

Forcing women to allow men who adopt the dress and mannerisms of women into our private spaces is intrusive. Forcing people to grant these men access to programs, grants and facilities designed to help women survive and thrive is offensive. It’s difficult to learn that no matter how well-meaning we try to be our actions could be harmful to others. The important thing to remember about making mistakes is not to feel shame and regret but recognizing them as learning experiences and changing the behavior. Women have a right to safe spaces. Women have a right to preserve our heritage. Please stop forcing yourself onto us.

I will gratefully take the repercussions of unapologetically and ‘radically’ advocating for women. The thing about radical feminism is that it really isn’t all that radical. It’s just extremely unpopular.

May 25, 2022

  • “The Left is almost entirely enmeshed in the trans chauvinist narrative. Speaking up with any criticism of the anti-feminist positions of transgender activists gets one kicked out of groups and shunned as ‘”transphobic.'”
  • “Some left and liberal groups embrace the trans chauvinist narrative fully, and place trans chauvinist issues as central to their purpose. They have swallowed the postmodernist line – if only on gender issues – that material reality is inconsequential and that feelings are more important than actual exploitation.”
  • “All of these groups have rejected and undermined the collective open discussion, debate and tolerance for differences of opinion, which the oppressed require in order to advance our cause of liberation. They have contributed to the climate of fear for anyone who doesn’t toe the line, and to conformity, non-questioning and lack of reason. We must learn to view debate and disagreement as positive, as helping our movements to grow. We must not be so quick to label those who disagree as “‘haters.'”



May 23, 2022

With the medical infrastructure being built, doctors being trained for various surgeries, clinics opening at warp speed, and the media celebrating it, transgenderism is poised for growth. The LGB, a once-tiny group of people trying to love those of the same sex openly and be treated equally within society, has likely already been subsumed by capitalism and is now infiltrated by the medical industrial complex via transgenderism.” -Jennifer Bilek.


May 16, 2022 The following is a response to a trans woman who was offended at me saying I was offended. I guess we’re all offended now.

I realize my tact of posting a political message on google reviews is questionable but it got people’s attention so my goal to create awareness surrounding this important issue regarding women’s rights has been accomplished.

I’m confused as to why someone expressing a difference of opinion poses a danger to anyone. What is being misunderstood here is that I have no grievance with people who dress or emote in the way that makes them feel wonderful, beautiful and whole. Do what you need to do to love yourself unconditionally and flourish in your own truth and personal reality. Realities are tricky. In truth, one’s own personal reality should not require acceptance by others. Especially ones that overstep the boundaries of scientific facts.

Some might call appropriation an homage, which in some cases I think is true. Be it out of love and respect for the chosen community or out of a need to actualize ones own self the reality is that when one appropriates another culture (or in this case being female) there will be those who are offended. That may sting but is something the trans community would be wise to accept a bit more gracefully.

Let’s take Eminem for instance. Many black performers take offense to his borrowing of black culture in mannerism, language, dress, musically, etc. He acknowledges this as a reality that he must face and respects those who are at odds with his borrowing or ‘homage’ to that culture. Does this stop him from living his own truth? No. Similarly, I realize that what I’ve posted many people find offensive. I accept this fact but it will not cause me to hunt those down who find it offensive and unleash a verbal attack on them nor will it change me going forth to advocate for those who should not have to be forced to accept your own personal reality into their own lives and spaces.

Photo of Eminem being white courtesy of The Independent

What do you think would happen if Eminem decided one day that he actually was a black person because he enjoys the African American culture and claims to ‘feel’ like one on the inside? What if he started taking treatments to permanently darken his skin to look more African American? Do you think that would hold merit? Do you think others within the African American community would be accepting of this? Do you think Eminem’s supporters would resort to calling those who take offense bigots or other hateful slurs? To tantrum and defame those who inform you that you’ve overstepped your boundaries is furthering your intrusion upon them. Please accept that some are offended. Please accept that you will never actually be female. This doesn’t make you less of a person or affect your worth. It is a scientific fact that is before you whether you choose to accept it or not. Unleashing hate onto me will not change this. Whether or not some females will affirm your personal reality is up to them….not you.

I realize this comes as a blow to a great many people who have been misinformed when facing body dysmorphia that they may one day actually become female. It is scientifically impossible. This in no way draws the conclusion that I ‘hate’ the trans community. Jumping to such a conclusion, and the character attacks upon me because of this illogical jump, further demonstrates that rather than combat a difference of opinion with logic, facts or any capable argument, this community resorts to attempting to publicly debase me. Trust me when I say I am unfazed as I know these tall tales hold little truth.

May 13, 2022 This post was a response to some lame attempts at cancelling me. Cancel culture is the equivalency of a mob with pitchforks.

I feel grateful for the opportunity to create awareness surrounding this very important issue regarding the integrity of womanhood and the preservation of female only spaces.

This reality that we’re facing of reducing the definition of woman to the nebulous concept of ‘gender identity’ and allowing any man who ‘identifies’ as a woman access to female only spaces is putting women and girls in danger and robbing them of their rights to feel safe in spaces that were specifically founded for their advancement and safety.

This goes far beyond sports or bathrooms. California, Washington and other states are allowing convicted male rapists and murderers to be housed in women’s prisons on the basis of their female ‘gender identity’. The concept of ‘gender identity’ is not rooted in reality and promotes furthering the oppressive presence throughout history of men attempting to assert unnecessary control and intrude on women without whole collective consent.

Historically women saying ‘no’ to men posed a great threat to their well being and safety. As we can see here in the comments section times have not changed. Seemingly innocuous men are forcing themselves onto women and the voices of those who feel intruded upon are being trampled over by hate speech and biologically inaccurate chants. Hurling insults and chanting ‘trans women are women’ isn’t contributing to the conversation. These are hostile oppressive tactics that are being fostered by the trans community to scare women into silence. Any woman who was protesting my store this weekend and calling herself a feminist is deluded. The trans movement represents misogyny of the highest degree.

I’m alright with people hating me, in fact I’ve grown quite used to it. However, If that hate manifests itself in the form of vitriolic name calling, personal attacks, harassment, menacing, stalking or other forms of extreme bullying, then the history of violence and contempt against women who speak up for their basic rights is still prevailing as acceptable behavior.

As far as the future of Artifacts goes I am very happy to sell the shop if this community feels uncomfortable having me here. I’m eager and ready for a change. While I am grateful to have been a part of the Athens community for so long I feel like my time and energy will be more useful doing work for advocacy. Activism is something I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time and I’m excited to start some very meaningful work towards helping the underdog so to speak.

“There are two sexes … We have a dimorphic human species. That means there are two sexes and we cannot change them. You cannot make a male a woman by lowering their testosterone. Women are not a hormone level.”
-Beth Stelzer